Grammar Correction
This tool corrects sentences into standard English.
Q & A
Answer questions based on existing knowledge.
Summarize For 2nd Grader
Translates difficult text into simpler concepts.
Movie To Emoji
Convert movie titles into emoji.
Extract keywords from a block of text.
Friend Chat
Emulate a text message conversation.
Study Notes
Provide a topic and get study notes.
Interview Questions
Create interview questions.
Chat With AI
Open ended conversation with an AI assistant.
Turn By Turn Directions
Convert natural language to turn-by-turn directions.
Essay Outline
Generate an outline for a research topic.
Notes To Summary
Turn meeting notes into a summary.
Analogy Maker
Create analogies of phrases.
Classify items into categories via example.
Third Person Converter
Converts first-person POV to the third-person.
Explain Code
Explain a complicated piece of code.
Tweets Sentiment Classifier
Classify tweets sentiment , by inputing tweets.
Recipe Maker From Ingredients
Create a recipe from a list of ingredients.
Micro Horror Story
Creates two to three sentence short horror stories from a topic input.
Factual Answering
Guide the model towards factual answering by showing it how to respond to questions that fall outside its knowledge base. Using a '?' to indicate a response to words and phrases that it doesn't know provides a natural response that seems to work better than more abstract replies.
Javascript Helper Chatbot
This is a message-style chatbot that can answer questions about using JavaScript.
Science Fiction Books List Maker
Insert amount input upto 5 and this will makes a list of science fiction books.
Text Description To Color
Turn a text description into a color.
Summarize the text.
Ad From Product Description
Turn a product description into ad copy.
ESRB Rating
Categorize text based upon ESRB ratings.
Marv The Sarcastic Chatbot
Marv is a factual chatbot that is also sarcastic.
Calculate Time Complexity
Find the time complexity of a function.
Python Bug Fixer
Add an input if the source code is buggy, and then ask codex to generate a fixed code.
SQL Request
Create a simple SQL queries.
ML/AI Language Model Tutor
This is a QA-style chatbot that answers questions about language models.
Extract Contact Information
Extract contact information from a block of text.
Restaurant Review Creator
Turn a few words into a restaurant review.
Airport Code Extractor
A simple prompt for extracting airport codes from text.
VR Fitness Idea Generator
Enter amount and get ideas for fitness and virtual reality games upto 5.
Dan Chat GPT
Meet Dan the honest talking version of chatGPT
Language Conversion
Convert any of data storage unit
Currency Conversion
Convert any of currency into your favourite currency.
Temperature Conversion
Convert any of temperature unit into your favourite units.
Pressure Conversion
Convert any of pressure unit into your favourite units.
Volume Conversion
Convert any of volume unit into your favourite units.
Area Conversion
Convert any of area unit into your favourite units.
Time Conversion
Convert any of time unit into your favourite units.
Mass Conversion
Convert any of mass unit into your favourite units.
Power Conversion
Convert any of power unit into your favourite units.
Length Conversion
Convert any of length unit into your favourite units.
Speed Units Conversion
Convert any of speed unit into your favourite units.
Fuel Economy Conversion
Check fuel economy in different options.
Energy Conversion
Convert any of energy unit into your favourite units.
Plane Angle Conversion
Convert any of plane angle unit into your favourite units.
Data Storage Units
Convert any of data storage unit into your favourite units.

HTML Minify Generator
Generate HTML Minify with our generator tool.

HTML Formatter
HTML Formatter with our generator tool.

HTML Image Generator
Generate HTML Image with our generator tool.

HTML Iframe Generator
Generate HTML Iframe with our generator tool.

HTML Link Generator
Generate HTML Link with our generator tool.

HTML Button Generator
Generate HTML Button with our generator tool.

HTML Color Input Generator
Generate HTML Color Input with our generator tool.

HTML Date Input Generator
Generate HTML Date Input with our generator tool.

HTML Email Input Generator
Generate HTML Email Input with our generator tool.

HTML File Input Generator
Generate HTML File Input with our generator tool.

HTML Image Input Generator
Generate HTML Image Input with our generator tool.

HTML Number Input Generator
Generate HTML Number Input with our generator tool.

HTML Password Input Generator
Generate HTML Password Input with our generator tool.

HTML Range Input Generator
Generate HTML Range Input with our generator tool.

HTML Search Input Generator
Generate HTML Search Input with our generator tool.

HTML Submit Input Generator
Generate HTML Submit Input with our generator tool.

HTML Telephone Input Generator
Generate HTML Telephone Input with our generator tool.

HTML Text Input Generator
Generate HTML Text Input Generator with our generator tool.

HTML URL Input Generator
Generate HTML URL Input with our generator tool.

HTML Text Area Generator
Generate HTML Text Area with our generator tool.

HTML Audio Generator
Generate HTML Audio with our generator tool.

HTML Video Generator
Generate HTML Video with our generator tool.

HTML Bi Directional Generator
Generate HTML Bi Directional with our generator tool.

HTML Bold Generator
Generate HTML Bold with our generator tool.

HTML Citation Generator
Generate HTML Citation with our generator tool.

HTML Code Generator
Generate HTML Code with our generator tool.

HTML Italic Generator
Generate HTML Italic with our generator tool.

HTML Highlight Generator
Generate HTML Highlight with our generator tool.

HTML Strikethrough Generator
Generate HTML Strikethrough with our generator tool.

HTML Underline Generator
Generate HTML Underline with our generator tool.

HTML Quote & Blockquote Generator
Generate HTML Quote & Blockquote with our generator tool.

HTML Superscript & Subscript Generator
Generate HTML Superscript & Subscript with our generator tool.

HTML Details Generator
Generate HTML Details with our generator tool.

HTML Meter Generator
Generate HTML Meter with our generator tool.

HTML Progress Bar Generator
Generate HTML Progress Bar with our generator tool.

JSON Minify Generator
Generate JSON Minify with our generator tool.

JSON Formatter
Formate JSON Formatter with our generator tool.

JSON Validator
Validate Json with our generator tool.

JSON To XML Generator
Generate JSON To XML with our generator tool.

XML To JSON Generator
Generate XML To JSON with our generator tool.

JSON To YAML Generator
Generate JSON To YAML with our generator tool.

JSON To Base64 Generator
Generate JSON To Base64 with our generator tool.

Base64 To JSON Generator
Generate Base64 To JSON with our generator tool.

JSON To Text Generator
Generate JSON To Text with our generator tool.

JSON To CSV Generator
Generate JSON To CSV with our generator tool.

CSV To JSON Generator
Generate CSV To JSON with our generator tool.

TSV To JSON Generator
Generate TSV To JSON with our generator tool.

JSON To TSV Generator
Generate JSON To TSV with our generator tool.

JSON statement Converter
Convert english statements into javascript or EJS scripts.

CSS Minify Generator
Generate CSS Minify with our generator tool.

CSS Formatter Generator
Generate CSS Formatter with our generator tool.

CSS Box Shadow Generator
Generate Box Shadow with our generator tool.

CSS Gradient Generator
Generate CSS gradient with our CSS generator tool.

CSS Text Shadow Generator
Generate Text Shadow with our generator tool.

CSS Columns Generator
Generate Columns with our generator tool.

CSS Display Generator
Generate CSS display with our generator tool.

CSS Visibility Generator
Generate CSS Visibility with our generator tool.

CSS Border Generator
Generate CSS Border with our generator tool.

CSS Border Radius Generator
Generate CSS border radius with our generator tool.

CSS Transform Generator
Generate CSS Transform with our generator tool.

CSS Border Image Generator
Generate CSS Border Image with our generator tool.

CSS Box Resize Generator
Generate CSS box resize with our CSS generator tool.

CSS Opacity Generator
Generate CSS Opacity with our generator tool.

CSS Outline Generator
Generate CSS outline with our generator tool.

CSS Overflow Generator
Generate CSS Overflow with our generator tool.

CSS Background Generator
Generate CSS Background with our generator tool.

CSS Text Color Generator
Generate CSS text color with our generator tool.

CSS Blur Generator
Generate CSS Blur with our generator tool.

CSS Brightness Generator
Generate CSS brightness with our generator tool.

CSS Contrast Generator
Generate CSS Contrast with our generator tool.

CSS Grayscale Generator
Generate CSS Grayscale with our generator tool.

CSS Hue Rotate Generator
Generate CSS Hue Rotate with our CSS generator tool.

CSS Invert Generator
Generate CSS Invert with our generator tool.

CSS Saturate Generator
Generate CSS Saturate with our generator tool.

CSS Sepia Generator
Generate CSS Sepia with our generator tool.

CSS List Style Generator
Generate CSS List Style with our generator tool.

CSS Cursor Generator
Generate CSS Cursor with our generator tool.

CSS Letter Spacing Generator
Generate CSS Letter Spacing with our generator tool.

CSS Text Align Generator
Generate CSS Align Text with our generator tool.

CSS Text Decoration Generator
Generate CSS Text Decoration with our generator tool.

CSS Text Indent Generator
Generate CSS Indent with our generator tool.

CSS Text Transform Generator
Generate CSS Transform with our generator tool.

CSS White Space Generator
Generate CSS White Space with our generator tool.

CSS Word Break Generator
Generate CSS Word Break with our generator tool.

CSS Word Spacing Generator
Generate CSS Word Spacing with our generator tool.

CSS Line Height Generator
Generate CSS Line Height with our generator tool.

CSS Overflow Wrap Generator
Generate CSS Overflow wrap with our generator tool.

CSS Tab Size
generate Tab sizes

CSS Color Pallet Generator
generate and lock your favorite colors in our CSS Color generator

Remove Space
Tool for removing spaces

Extract Email
Tool for removing Extracting Email

Extract Link
Tool for Extracting Link

IP Locator
Tool for locating IP

Site Map Generator
Tool for site map generator

Snake game
Play classic snake game online

tic-tac-toe game
Play tic-tac-toe game online

sudoku game
Play sudoku game online

Generate Chinese names
Generate Chinese names online